About this item
- If there is a crack or the base is broken then you must replace it immediately
- We at HAVAI are in the business of Air Coolers for over a decade and we really understand the pain points of an Ai Cooler customer. Hence with our spare products we want to provide the consumer a solution for his Air Cooler problems at a reasonable price. All our spare products are thoroughly tested to ensure best result.
- The Base of the Air Cooler is slightly cracked should I replace it? Yes, you should immediately replace it because it is increasing the pressure on the castors and might lead to imbalance. It can also lead to the castors breaking so it is best to replace
- There is a water leakage in the Air Cooler should I change the base also? In case of a water leakage please check if the Drain Plug has been fit in properly. Once you have checked that and there is a leakage from elsewhere then you need to replce the tank of the cooler. There is no need to replace the Base
- In order to maintain the performance of the Air Cooler we recommend that you buy our HAVAI Cooler Cover to ensure that the Air Cooler stays dust free when not in use. HAVAI Plastic Cover ensures that all the critical components of the Air Cooler remain safe and free from dust and moisture.