This Back To The Future t-shirt shows Doc Brown's time traveling DeLorean and clocks in retro colors. The shirt reads 88 MPH.
In 1985, Doc Brown put a flux capacitor in a DeLorean and made a time machine with some style. When Marty McFly drove the car over 88 miles per hour, he was transported to the year 1955. Marty found the younger version of Doc, and luckily Marty had a flyer telling them that the Hill Valley clock tower would be struck by lightning during an electrical storm on November 22nd, 1955. Doc devised a plan to channel a bolt of lightning's 1.21 jigowatts directly into the flux capacitor, sending Marty back to 1985.
Everyone will immediately know you are a fan of the 1985 classic starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd when you wear this Retro Clocks Back To The Future T-Shirt!